
3 Steps to Install WAMP on Windows

Photo of Mike Dalisay
Modified Thursday, June 20, 2013
by - @ninjazhai

1.0 Introduction

Installing WAMP server on your machine is usually the first step to start your PHP programming. There's someone who pointed that out to me, he sent me a message saying:

Hi Mike! You make web programming more interesting, but what the ****, I don't know how to install WAMP!

I think he has a point, our blog should have posts for super beginners. Okay so, because I'm generous and handsome (kidding), I'm going to post more basic tutorials in our blog.

Here are few steps on how to install WAMP server on your windows PC.

2.0 Installing Wamp Server in 3 Steps

2.1 Download the Installer Files (Step 1)

Go to WAMP Server Website

Click "Download" on the menu, and download the suitable installer for you.
In my case, I downloaded the 32 bits WAMP server.

Then it will give you the "direct download" link (arrow A) and some warnings.
You also have to download and install the Visual C++ package (Arrow B) to
avoid problems if you install WAMP on Windows 8.

If you're using Google Chrome,
direct download should look like this.

Downloading Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

Now you should have these two files.

2.2 Run the Installer Files (Step 2)

Double click vcredist_x86.exe we downloaded earlier, it will show you this window.
Check "..accept the license terms" > Install > It will say installation is complete > Finish

Double click Wampserver2.4-x86.exe file we downloaded earlier.
Security warming > Run > it will show you the window above > Next >
Accept the agreement > Next > Next > Create Desktop icon > Next > Install >
Wait for the installation > Set a default browser >
Allow access in Firewall > Next > Finish


2.3 Verfify If WAMP Was Installed (Step 3)

After you click "Finish", you should see a red icon in your windows notification area (lower right corner of the screen)

WAMP Server is stopped. After few moments,
it should turn to color "orange" and then "green"
If it did not turn green, you can click the icon, it will show the WAMP menu, and then click "Restart All Services"

Now, if the icon turned green W. go to your browser and type "http://localhost/", it will show you the WAMP Server homepage. That means, you have installed WAMP successfully.

This guide also works if you try to install wamp on windows 7.

3.0 Services

Still having a hard time? Or do you want to make things easier and save time? I can personally help you install WAMP on your windows machine for only $3. Contact me.
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